Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. A _____ of fish swam below the boat. herd class school flock gang litter team crew pod gaggle herd swarm gang ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Answer Key: Using Collective Nouns in a Sentence A. Instructions: , rewrite each sentence to replace the plural noun in the sentence with a collective noun. class audience public band corporation team troop flock army pack The players celebrate their winning games with pizza and ice cream. The soldiers need new supplies. The people watching the ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Collective Nouns Collective nouns name a collection of people, places, animals or things. Draw a line to match each collective noun to the noun that it relates to. litter pod flock colony forest bunch herd crash troop chest galaxy string crowd team birds puppies ants bananas dolphins sheep rhinos trees stars monkeys drawers Downloads
Preview and Download !Answer Key: Matching Collective Nouns A. Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct collective nouns from the word bank. Use each word only once. B. Instructions: rite one sentence with each collective noun. Answers will vary (double check that students use collective nouns as singular nouns). band department pack bunch faculty pride ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Collective nouns are also fun! Now that you have learned how to use collective nouns, try and invent some of your own. Invent a creative collective noun for each of the nouns below, and then write a sentence to show the collective noun in use. 1. students babble We were surrounded by a babble of students. 2. cell phones _____ Downloads
Preview and Download !Underline the collective nouns. g 1) The choir sang a special song for the birthday boy. 2) The flock of sheep grazed in the hills. 3) The herd of deer went north. ... A collective noun names a e.g. roup, staff, team, family. Using collective nouns Grade 2 Nouns Worksheet Downloads
Preview and Download ! Collective Nouns Worksheet - Grade 4 !! Worksheet!made!by!!reserved.!! Below is a list of words that when paired with the proper noun makes it a collective noun. Match the word with proper noun by writing the letter. a. cluster f. flock k. army b. litter g. bed l. bunch c. crowd h. lock m. tribe d ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - ANSWER KEY Collective Nouns 1. Our scout troop went camping. 2. The crowd waited for the parade to begin. 3. My sister’s softball team is practicing for the next game. 4. Mrs. Ling's class brought canned goods for the food drive. 5. That group made a poster about recycling. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !A collective noun names a group of people, animals or things. Sometimes a prepositional phrase follows a collective noun. Write the letter of the prepositional phrase that best matches each collective noun. 300013 Super Teacher Worksheets - Collective Nouns example: A pack of wolves. Pack is the collective noun. Downloads
Preview and Download !Answer Key: Using Collective Nouns in a Sentence A. Instructions: , rewrite each sentence to replace the plural noun in the sentence with a collective noun. class audience public band corporation team troop flock army pack The players celebrate their winning games with pizza and ice cream. The soldiers need new supplies. The people watching the ... Downloads
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